JAKARTA - Every couple has a way of expressing their love. For example, giving a kiss on the cheek, hand, to a 'hot' kiss on the lips. How about a forehead kiss? Apparently, a kiss on the forehead can not be taken lightly.

Someone who often kisses his partner's forehead has a sweet meaning. Reported by Cosmopolitan, Saturday, July 24, Laurel Steinberg, Ph.D. revealed that a kiss on the forehead represents a strong emotional connection.

Unlike the kiss in other parts of the body. A kiss on the forehead shows a deep connection. What's more, these are the reasons someone kisses their partner's forehead.

1. Admitting to have a meaningful relationship

A kiss on the forehead from your partner actually describes 'something' that is much different from, for example, a kiss on the lips. According to Stainberg, kissing lips indicates sexual attraction.

While a kiss on the forehead expresses emotional closeness in a romantic relationship. That's why a kiss on the forehead from a parent or grandmother, for example, is one gesture that describes the bond of love.

2. Your partner also wants to kiss your 'soul'

Not only a physical bond, in a healthy relationship, lovers also have a soul bond. Biologically, when a kiss lands on the forehead there is a stimulant from the pineal gland. The simulant releases a chemical reaction that makes you feel happy and mentally comfortable.

With this gesture, your partner has kissed all the thoughts, the stories you have shared and everything about you. So, not only physically bound but also mentally.

3. More than physical

According to Stainberg, a kiss on the forehead indicates you are not a sexual object to your partner. The forehead kiss is far from sexual. This is a partner's way of honoring, appreciating, and being grateful for having you.

4. Want to feel the abundance of love

If your partner kisses your forehead, it means your partner wants to get good behavior from you, says Stainberg. In essence, your partner wants to feel love from you. He also has high hopes that the knitting of love can warm the relationship.

5. Balancing from other kisses

Kissing the forehead is a counterweight to other kisses, including a passionate kiss. On the negative side, if you kiss your forehead more often than other kisses, it could be a sign that your partner is avoiding building intimacy with you.

Based on Stainberg's recommendation, to convince the reason couples kiss the forehead more often, other romantic actions are needed. When the intensity is balanced with other physical touch, emotional intimacy, and healthy relationships, then happy happy together forever.

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