JAKARTA - Through the thriller trilogy titled I, Will, and Survive, Anggy Umbara offers a new concept in Indonesian films. This trilogy film collaborates with several well-known Indonesian actors and actresses, such as Omar Daniel, Morgan Oey, Onadio Leonardo, Anggika Bolsterli, and Amanda Rigby. The three films have related stories, but take different points of view.

Film I focuses on the story of Sanjaya (Omar Daniel) who never gives up on finding his wife, Mila (Amanda Rigby), who has been missing for months. When Mila's family has given up on finding her, he urges the police to keep looking, believing his wife is still alive somewhere. However, his hopes were dashed after hearing news from the police that Mila was found lifeless with a dismembered body.

While still depressed because of the loss of the wife he loved so much, Sanjaya hears stories from his co-workers about Peter (a mysterious shooter) who punishes guilty people in his own way. Driven by anger and revenge, Sanjaya becomes a sniper armed with talent and a rifle handed down from his father. He killed people who he thought were sinners without mercy, from thugs to criminals.

Meanwhile, Will focuses on the domestic life of Andra (Morgan Oey) and Vina (Anggika Bolsterli) who are on the brink. Vina's indifferent attitude often makes Andra keki decide to vent it by cycling alone in steep and dangerous terrain. But unfortunately, Andra's journey did not go smoothly because he fell in the middle of the forest and suffered a broken bone. He tried to rack his brain to survive.

The Survive film has a common thread with I and Willl films by taking the point of view of Dani (Onadio Leonardo), Sanjaya's best friend and colleague and Andra's friend who previously also appeared in I and Will films.

It turns out, Dani is the mastermind behind the disappearance of Mila and Vina. He kidnapped, imprisoned, and tortured Mila and Vina who he thought committed a grave sin to deserve it.

In the midst of his brutal action, there will be flashbacks of Dani's childhood that made him grow into a psychopath. He was always fed by his father with the misleading teaching that men should be superior to women and women who commit sins deserve to be punished. Because he grew up watching his father torture his stepmother, Dani's psychopathic soul slowly begins to emerge and defeats his conscience.

Thriller films that cause fear while watching may be common. There are not many films that can cause a feeling of being left behind after watching. The film Trilogy I, Will, and Survive gives a feeling of isolation, pain, and sadness after watching it.

There are dark parts that cannot be expressed in society openly, but are displayed in a vulgar manner with harsh words and uncensored sadistic scenes.

This film offers activities that are rarely taken as roles in Indonesian films so that it feels fresh. By breaking through the norms by explaining the problems that occur in society openly, this film also gives a new sensation when watching. Maybe because the broadcast on OTT is more free, so that Anggy Umbara can maximally provide scenes of torture, rape, and make the audience feel terrorized while watching it.

Director Anggy Umbara, who is also the writer of the story, seems to want to offer social criticism as well as a reminder to the audience. Issues of sexual crimes, the disappearance of people's lives by mysterious shooters, the lack of attention from parents in the development of children, to infidelity in the family are presented alternately. The picture of each event having an impact on the psychological development of children is a link that is not clearly visible and clear but exists in these three films.

It will feel cramped if the audience is able to understand the exposure to the problems in this film, that children's growth and development is strongly influenced by their environment. However, because there is too much to convey, the audience of this film may not be able to catch all the messages that Anggy Umbara wants to convey. So if you are thinking of looking for entertainment by watching this film, you should undo the intention to watch it first. The pressure of the thriller trilogy produced by this film is not for entertainment, but rather for the contemplation of life.

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