JAKARTA - The author of the Harry Potter story, JK Rowling, has drawn criticism. His comments on an article were deemed not in favor of transgender groups.

"Menstruating people. I'm sure there is a use of the word for those people. Someone, help me. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?" Rowling wrote.

Rowling wrote this on his Twitter account. Rowling's writing was conveyed when responding to an article that discussed the vulnerability of women and non-binary groups or genderqueers who experience menstruation in the midst of post-menopause situations.

Non-binary group and genderqueer are terms that refer to people with gender identities that are not specific to either male or female. The term removes a person from physical appearance or biological sex.

Netizens think Rowling is transphobic. They concluded Rowling's comments as statements against and offensive to transgender, nonbinary and genderqueer groups.

Rowling also responded: If sex (gender) is real, then there is no such thing as same-sex attraction. If sex (gender) is not real, then the real life of women globally will be erased.

"I love trans people. However, removing the concept of gender takes away from the ability of many people to discuss their lives more meaningfully. It is not hate when you tell the truth," Rowling added.

Not the first

For Rowling, this is not the first time she has been involved in controversy over LGBTQ. Reported by Variety.com, Rowling in December 2019 was criticized by LGBT supporters for expressing support for the dismissal of a researcher who said "one cannot change one's biological gender."

LGBT community advocacy organization GLAAD said Rowling had declared herself joining an ideology it called "deliberately changing facts about gender identities and trans people."

"JK Rowling, whose books give children hope that they can work together to create a better world, has now aligned itself with an anti-scientific ideology that denies the basic humanity of transgender people," said GLAAD chief talent, Anthony Ramos. .

"Trans men, trans women and nonbinary people are not a threat, and to imply the opposite puts trans people at risk. Now is the time for supporters who know and support trans people to speak up and support their fundamental right to be treated equally and fairly. . "

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