JAKARTA - Every man and woman has their own preferences about the ideal sex partner. Some like their partners to be tall and slender, some like fat partners, and some prefer petite partners.

Apparently, there is a special reason why men like having sex with petite women. As reported by the Dewiku page, Wednesday, July 21, petite women are considered more flexible.

In other words, they are easier to do various styles of making love. Not only that, but petite women are also more willing to try different positions and places.


- https://voi.id/lifestyle/68601/seberapa-lama-seharusnya-sesi-bercinta-berlangsung

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/68141/biar-makin-mantap-begini-5-tips-foreplay-sebelum-bercinta

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/67363/ini-4-posisi-hubungan-seksual-yang-tepat-sesuai-fisik-tubuh-agar-makin-nyaman

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/64322/melihat-kepribadian-berdasarkan-posisi-seks-favorit

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/63519/5-teknik-berciuman-bibir-yang-bikin-pasangan-makin-bergairah


Many studies suggest that tall women are considered sexier and healthier. However, their lovemaking technique turned out to be bad. women with tall bodies can make love quickly. However, they are not as flexible as a petite woman.

petite women are also easier to maintain balance when doing sex positions that are quite difficult. Men also prefer shorter women because they feel they can protect their partners better. The last reason, according to several surveys, the majority of men feel intimidated if they have a partner who is taller than them. They will often feel insecure and have their ego hurt because their partner is taller.

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