5 Habits That Harm Heart Health
Illustration of heart disease (Freepik/Wayhomestudio)

JAKARTA – A healthy heart is the key to a happy and prosperous life. How not, because heart problems make a person need regular doctor control and take medication every day.

Even based on data reported by Health, Monday, July 12, 1 in 3 adults in the United States has heart problems.

This is the reason you need to immediately evaluate any habits that can worsen heart health. What are these habits? I hope you don't have this habit.

1. Sitting for hours

According to Harmony R. Reynolds, MD, Associate Director of the Center for Clinical Cardiovascular Research at NYU Langone Medical Center, New York City, sitting for long hours increases the risk of heart attack and stroke even if you exercise regularly.

Doctor Reynolds recommends taking regular walks even when you're at work. For example, try to take a standing position and walk around the workspace when picking up the phone.

2. Emotions are not handled well

Negative emotions that build up and are not handled properly can internalize stress, according to Doctor Reynolds. The solution, laughter and social support is proven in research to overcome stress, depression, and depression.

So it is advisable to share stories or do things that make you more relaxed.

3. Frequent consumption of fatty foods

On the one hand, fat is needed by the body to complete metabolic needs. But if you eat beef too often without paying attention to healthy measures, the risk of getting the silent killer – known as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes – will be higher.

4. Never check blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar

As a cardiologist and Director of Preventive Cardiology at Montefiore Health System, New York, Dr. Robert Ostfeld, MD recommends checking blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar should be done regularly.

"The risk of developing hypertension for people in their 50s is about 90 percent, even with those who have never had a health problem before," said Ostfeld.

5. Eat lots of simple carbohydrates karbohidrat

Simple carbohydrates are high in calories with minimal nutrients. Also known as empty calories, because they are only high in calories without meeting the needs of the body in balance.

So it is advisable to eat nutrient-dense foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seafood, and nuts.

Doctor Ostfeld said, avoid packaged junk food, reduce foods with high sodium. Also avoid foods high in sugar, fat, and oil. And lastly, quit smoking because this habit can risk plaque buildup and cause problems with blood circulation.

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