In Addition To Making The House Look Beautiful, Here Are 11 Lists Of Ornamental Plants That Can Be Used As Medicine
Illustration of a list of ornamental plants that can be used as medicine (Pexels/Gary Barnes)

JAKARTA – Variants of ornamental plants can be chosen. It can also be chosen which has more benefits besides making the house look beautiful. This means choosing ornamental plants that are non-toxic and beneficial for health. What are the types of plants? Here are 11 lists as well as their benefits.

1. Lemon thyme

Lemon thyme with the scientific name Thymus x citriodus leaves are small and easy to flower. Types of shrubs can be planted for the outermost barrier or in an elongated container.

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Illustration of a thyme plant (Pexels/Thirdman)

Its height reaches 12 inches or about less than 30 centimeters. Even more profitable, this plant is quite tolerant of changes in weather, including during the dry season. Benefits, can be to add to the taste of food. It can also be used as a wound medicine because it contains antibiotics.

Not infrequently lemon thyme is processed into medicine for children who are sick with a stomach.

2. Catnip or earring plant

Known for the cat's digestive remedy, catnip or earring plant is actually a wild plant that can help relieve toothaches. Reported by WebMD, the earring plant can be used as a relaxing tea like the next ornamental plant.

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Illustration of an earring plant (Pexels/Kaludia Ekert)
3. Lavender

There are two types of lavender flowers, the smell of which is usually extracted and used as an essential. While the usual as an ornamental plant is not without benefits. But the flowers can be dried and made tisane. Its benefits are to relieve anxiety and overcome insomnia.

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Lavender flower illustration (Pixabay)
4. Sunflower

Besides the seeds can be processed into kuaci and used as a healthy snack, tea from sunflower leaves is diuretic, lowers fever, and reduces coughing up phlegm.

5. Tulsi

Next, the list of ornamental plants that can be used as medicine is tulsi. This plant can be used as a cure for cancer, prevent hair loss, control blood sugar, relieve digestive disorders, and heart disease.

6. Butterfly flower

The purplish-blue flower has many benefits, including containing antioxidants and reducing inflammation, healthy heart, has the potential to overcome the symptoms of diabetes, and reduce anxiety disorders.

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Illustration of an eagle flower (Unsplash/Lam Thuy)

Ornamental plants that can also be useful as medicine are very easy to flower. It can even flower throughout the season.

7. Rosemary

Plants with pointed leaves are still in the same family as mint leaves. Its properties relieve inflammation and improve blood circulation can be a strong reason to grow it at home.

8. Marigolds

This beautiful, yellow-orange flower is commonly used by Balinese people for canang sari. Besides the beautiful color and warm impression like the sun, marigold flowers can be dried and processed into tisane. Its benefits reduce inflammation and help treat infections.

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Illustration of a marigold flower (Unsplash/JK)
9. Basil

The shape of the leaves is similar to basil leaves, the name is also similar but different. Basil leaves are also known as lemon basil.

While the dried basil can be used for tisane which serves to enrich the taste of the dish. As for health, it is efficacious to overcome digestive problems, increase immunity, and reduce stress.

10. Torenia flower

Not only restaurant food decorated with Torenia flower garnishes. Cooking at home can also look 'luxurious' by mixing this cheerful color of flowers.

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Torenia illustration (Instagram/@gk.9194)

Torenia flowers can be mixed in salads to make it taste sweeter and more savory and contain antioxidants.

11. Red roses

Red roses can be efficacious to relieve headaches. You can brew it as a tisane mixed with star anish and a few cloves. It is also useful for improving the digestive system, overcoming inflammation of the skin, and brightening the color of the lips.

Of the 11 ornamental plants above, which one is already growing around your house?

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