JAKARTA - When the police carried out the case for the arrest of Nia Ramadhani and Ardie Bakrie, the suspect of drug abuse was not presented. They are said to be undergoing a hair test. Many are curious about their appearance after being detained Wednesday, July 7th.

From the video that was shared, the husband and wife finally appeared. Both of them were taken by police personnel from the Central Jakarta Police Headquarters. A number of police personnel with full weapons were seen escorting Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie out of the Central Jakarta Police Headquarters, Thursday, July 8 evening.

Nia Ramadhani and her husband Ardi Bakrie were seen wearing orange prison clothes. Ardi Bakrie seemed to walk first in front of Nia. Meanwhile, Nia Ramadhani wore a black hat. They left without giving any information.

In this case, the police secured evidence in the form of methamphetamine from the arrest of Nia Ramadhani, her husband Ardi Bakrie and the driver with the initials ZN weighing 0.78 grams.

The police said that Nia Ramadhani bought methamphetamine for Rp. 1.5 million. The methamphetamine he bought was found in the driver's initials ZN.

"The price for one clip like this is Rp. 1.5 million," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Thursday, July 8.

However, the police do not yet know the supplier of the 0.78 gram methamphetamine. Currently, they are still investigating the supplier of the methamphetamine.

"Including the supplier from where we are pursuing," said Yusri.

Nia Ramadhani was then arrested at her residence in the Pondok Indah area, South Jakarta. As for her husband, Ardi Bakrie, the police said he had surrendered.

Ardi Bakrie came to the Central Jakarta Metro Police after being contacted by his wife, Nia Ramadhani. The three suspects were charged with Article 127 of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics.

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