JAKARTA – In addition to maintaining a healthy diet and choices of types of food that are full of nutrients, partner support is also useful for increasing immunity. Including hugging while sleeping also has benefits, not only for physical health but also mental.

A number of studies have also proven the benefits of husband and wife sleeping hugging each other. That is, to stay healthy, you can listen to the following benefits and never refuse if your partner is too romantic because they give you hugs every night.

1. Increase love hormone hormon

A study was conducted by the Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina in 2005. The study proved that the more often you hug, the higher your oxytocin level. Oxytocin is known as the hormone of love and happiness.

The most amazing effect on health is that it can lower blood pressure and balance the heart rate in premenopausal women.

2. Keeping the mood

Mood often erratic lately? Try hugging your partner to balance it out. Hugs are also able to increase the hormone serotonin which is useful for maintaining a more stable mood.

3. Boost the immune system

Reported by the Cleveland Clinic, Wednesday, July 7, psychologist Joe Rock, PsyD. Saying that cuddling can be therapeutic. According to Rock, giving and receiving hugs is also beneficial for strengthening the immune system.

"Hugging causes a decrease in the release of cortisol - the stress hormone - and several studies indicate that cuddling can lower blood pressure and heart rate when under stress," says Doctor Rock.

4. Sleep better

There are a number of hormones that cause restlessness and insomnia. As already mentioned, when the hormone cortisol rises, the body becomes tense and has difficulty sleeping. This means that you need oxytocin and serotonin which make you feel better so you can sleep better. How? Hug your partner.

5. Cultivate emotional bonds

Emotional bonds can be built through small habits. Besides giving attention and giving your partner space to develop themselves, giving hugs every night can also be effective in strengthening the bond.

6. Increase self-confidence

With hugs there is an action-reaction that makes a person feel loved and special. Actually, cuddling can be with other close family. It can be with parents, children, or close relatives. When you feel loved, your self-confidence will grow.

7. Make muscles more relaxed

After a day of working and completing various tasks, of course the muscles feel tight and need relaxation. According to a family therapist, Virginia Satir, says that four hugs a day can keep a person alive.

Eight hugs can be for self-maintenance and 12 hugs can make the positive side of yourself more developed. Well, for maintenance purposes, don't hesitate to give your partner a hug.

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