JAKARTA - Even though you are married, you can never feel truly happy. It seems, there is something that makes you feel sad and uncomfortable in the relationship. However, you are still confused what are you really feeling? Here are some signs you are married but not happy.

Crying often

One of the most obvious signs that you are unhappy is that you cry a lot. It's natural that in marriage, there must be such a thing as a fight. But usually the intensity is not too frequent. If you've been crying too much, even every day, it means that something is wrong with your relationship.

Finding fault with each other

The next sign is usually indicated by the nature of you finding fault with each other. Starting from exaggerating existing problems, or even creating new problems in order to find someone to blame.


When family and close friends ask how you're doing, you shut yourself off immediately. You don't want to show that you are unhappy in your marriage. This is why sometimes the environment doesn't realize how unhappy you are.

Rarely have sex

In marriage, sexual relations are also an important point to do in order to maintain the romance of the household. Even though they are busy, generally harmonious couples will still try to take the time to connect. However, if you're both unhappy, sex is definitely the last thing you think about, let alone do.

It's hard to feel happy

This could be because you are bored with a marriage that has lasted too long. But if you can barely remember the last time you were happy, you should question it. Every time you see your husband's face, you just want to be angry and sad.

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