JAKARTA – Maturity is an important key in relationships, especially relationships with partners. With maturity, lovers can stay connected to each other without positioning each other higher. So how about expressing yourself?

In a journal published by the American Psychological Association and written by HS Kim and D. Ko in 2007, self-expression or known as self-expression can be done through words, choices, or actions. Meanwhile, what is expressed includes thoughts and feelings.

Self-expression is also considered as a way of revealing about ourselves. Because self-expression is related to ego, if not expressed properly, especially in the context of your relationship with your partner, it could potentially harm the relationship.

John Amadeo, Ph.D., MFT, author of Dancing with Fire: A Mindful Way to Loving Relationships reported by Psychology Today, Tuesday, July 6, says that the truth that is revealed through self-expression is important. The goal is to maintain a 'balanced' climate in the relationship.

Two issues in self-expression are discussed as stumbling blocks that endanger domestic relations. First, about self-narcissism as a bad side of autonomy. Narcissism is fixated on the pursuit or pleasure itself without considering the partner, this is quite dangerous.

As a result, we forget to be more empathetic. We also feel irresponsible for other people's feelings because we are too dominant, especially to our partner.

A person may be free to say “I have the right to respect my own experience and express my true feelings and needs.”

While these expressions are a relief and really revealing thoughts, they can get to the heart of the matter. These expressions make us look dominant so that we ignore the feelings of others.

Second, our words and actions can unknowingly influence people. Well, according to Amadeo, realizing the power of words can remind us to pause before speaking.

His advice, we need to find the right words to convey our experiences so that it is more likely to maintain the trust of your partner than destroy the bridge that connects you and your partner.

Words that are charged with judging, blaming, dropping, and humiliating in order to reveal the truth must be processed so that they are not arrogant. The truth can be conveyed with respect and gentle words.

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