JAKARTA – Tyas Mirasih, in his verified Instagram Story, reported that he had been exposed to COVID-19 since last week (30/6). As a survivor with OTG, he began self-isolation while maintaining his immune system.

One of them by sunbathing in order to get a good morning sun to keep the immune system. Here's his style when sunbathing and his messages to stay healthy.

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Illustration of Tyas Mirasih isoman 3rd day (Instagram/@TyasMirasih)

Response @emmielemu79 "How come he's sunbathing is so beautiful huh.." Briefly and clearly understood Tyas replied "hahaha bund, you're the one who told me to be happy happy".

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CaptiIlustra sunbathing during the 5th day isoman (Instagram/@TyasMirasih)on

On the 5th day of isoman, Tyas Mirasih shared words of wisdom. Not only to encourage himself but also netizens.

“Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.”

According to Tyas, positive thinking is a choice, so you need to direct your mind so you can capture it from the best angle. Happiness also depends on the quality of mind, added Raiden's wife Soedjono.

As an OTG, based on Tyas' explanation, his health condition is still under control. Independent isolation, must be followed by a mindset that supports the mind to remain positive and most importantly to increase general.

The message is “...I know it's definitely not easy for everyone who is also exposed to Covid to be able to think calmly or clearly. I can only help pray from here so that all those who are struggling against Covid can keep their spirits up. We must fight! Of course you can!” he said encouragingly.

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Illustration of Tyas Mirasih sunbathing with sunglasses (Instagram/@TyasMirasih)

Sense of smell began to improve, this is also influenced by diligent sunbathing. No pause, the woman who was born on April 8, 1987 is still undergoing independent isolation on the 8th day. Her hot style exudes glowing skin.

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Illustration of Tyas Mirasih in self-isolation (Instagram/@TyasMirasih)

Still in self-isolation, Tyas plans to do a PCR Swab test after isoman days 10-12. The results of the independent Antigen Swab test have been carried out 2 times and the results are negative.

".. Always positive thinking so that we all recover quickly .. " he messaged the warganet. Well, not only sharing hot photos exposed to the sun while sunbathing.

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Illustration of Tyas Mirasih's activity during self-isolation (Instagram/@TyasMirasih)

Tyas Mirasih also shared the activities he did during his self-isolation. To be sure, he consumes nutritious home-cooked food and nutritional intake from multivitamins that help increase endurance.

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