How To Make Sex Enjoyable And Long Lasting, Want To Try It?
Illustration (Cottonbro/Pexels)

JAKARTA - The duration of sex that can last long is related to the stamina that a woman has. If a woman's stamina is strong, her sexual relationship will be more durable. Until finally the pleasure of making love will satisfy his mind.

Feel like you don't have good stamina? Don't worry too soon. Because strong stamina can be created. Yes, through the exercises you do every day.

If you are interested in knowing it, here we have summarized the exercises so that sex lasts longer.

Kegel exercises

A great orgasm is determined by how strong a woman's pelvic muscles are during sex. This is because the strength of the pelvic muscles determines the strength of other muscles in the body. Well, to help you strengthen it, you can try these Kegel exercises. How long is the practice? You just do this exercise for 4 weeks, and you can feel the results.

How to do it:

Start by tightening your pelvic floor muscles, then hold for a count of 8.

Slowly release the muscles and count to a count of 10, then tighten your pelvic floor muscles again.

Do this movement 10 times.

Remember, you only need to do it three times a day. Do not let it more than three times, because it can make the hips cramp when urinating and defecating.

You can join with other movements that can strengthen the position of sexual activity such as medicine ball push ups, planks, and glute bridge. This will provide more benefits for you.


Among the yoga movements, there are some that can strengthen the pelvic and abdominal muscles. This will be useful to help the duration of your sex to be longer. What are the moves? Well, you can try some of the following yoga movements as reported by the A New Mode page, Friday, July 2.

Bound Angle

This movement is done in a sitting position, holding the soles of your feet while being pulled towards the inside. Then, leave your knees as open as you can and hold for 1-15 seconds.

Shoulder stand

Do it in a supine position. Spread your legs hip-width apart with your arms at your sides. Bend your knees over your chest, lift your hips, then straighten your legs up. Hold for 3-5 seconds.

Glute bridge movement Gerakan

The most important part of this movement is that you have to tighten the pelvic muscles, buttocks, and stomach at the same time. By doing this movement regularly, then you can maintain your husband's thrust during sex.

How to do it:

Do it in a lying position with both knees slightly bent. Keep the distance between your feet and hips, then bring your feet together and place your hands by your sides. Push your pelvis up using your pelvic muscles until your thighs are straight up to your back. The hips are lifted while the abdominal muscles are tightened. Tighten your pelvic, buttock and abdominal muscles at the same time. Use your heels to stabilize your body. But, do not lift the body too high because it will make the back arch.

After that lower the body to the starting position slowly.

Medicine ball push-ups

An effective way to strengthen the chest shoulder muscles so that you are strong when making love in bed is to put the abdominal muscles in motion.

How to do it:

Form your position like the starting position of the push-up movement. Then, place both hands on the ball. But, make sure your body is straight from head to toe.

Then, tighten the thigh and buttock muscles to stabilize the body.

Lower your body until your chest is close to the ball.

Then lift up with the condition of the body remains straight from the feet to the head.

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