JAKARTA - Who does not know the dangdut singer Selvi Kitty? The singer of “What is the medicine” not only has a sweet voice but also has a beautiful body. Even though she just gave birth to her first child a year ago, Selvi has managed to lose several kilograms of her body weight.
Of course, this woman who was born in Tasikmalaya on April 20, 1993, did not get a fantastic body instantly. The physical activity he does is not light. Here are five selected portraits that show Selvi Kitty's persistence in exercising.
Head Stand
Selvi Kitty often does yoga with a headstand style. No wonder, if he also often likens the pose to life. "Indeed, life feels harder when we are at the bottom. There will come a time when we can bear the weight of it all, until we can finally stand on our own.” Write Selvi in the Caption column.
This time the Hong Kong film star Kasarung was seen training his physique in the open. Selvi Kitty is seen enjoying balance exercises by the lake with a beautiful view. "Because life needs balance," wrote Selvi Kitty.
Apart from posing for yoga, Selvi Kitty also does not miss the cycling trend. He and his friends were seen posing with their respective bicycles.
Morning run
One of Selvi's secrets to keep her body in shape is by running. Seen in the uploaded photo, Selvi has just finished running around her yard complex.
In some of his uploads, it is also seen that Selvi often swims. This is one of his efforts to maintain the beauty of the body.
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