Why Is It Difficult For Lotus Plants To Flower? Here's How To Take Care Of It To Stay Fertile
Illustration of lotus plant or known as lotus flower (Unsplash/David Clode)

JAKARTA – The most awaited of ornamental plants is their beauty. Especially plants that flower like lotuses. But not infrequently plants can 'sulk' and not flower. Then how to care for lotus plants so that they flower diligently and remain fertile?

Reported by Flowerian, it is often confusing to distinguish lotus and lotus. Both of these plants do live in water growing media. But it has a different genus. The lotus plant is in the Nymphaea genus, while the lotus is in the Nelumbo genus.

The most distinguishing between these two plants is the structure of the flowers. The lotus flower stalk is not visible so it seems to be floating on the water. The colors of the flowers vary, some are yellowish white to purple.

Unlike the lotus flower, the stem is vertical away from the surface of the water and the color of the petals is a slightly faded light pink.

Although they have different flower genera and characters, the care tends to be the same. The lotus flower is also known as the water lily or water lily. There are also those who call it the lotus flower. The planting medium is not only water, but it needs to be given mud.

In caring for the lotus to remain fertile and diligent in flowering, here's how.

First, in placing a vase or potted lotus plants need sun exposure. These plants need enough light to photosynthesize. If there is not enough light, lotus plants can rot.

Second, give fertilizer once a week. Despite having a unique planting medium, lotus plants still need nutritional intake to support their growth. It is recommended to give one handful of manure mixed with one tablespoon of NPK.

Third, it is necessary to diligently check the condition of the water. The first thing to check is the larvae that develop there. The larvae can be overcome by giving abate every two weeks. Relax, abate larvae will not damage the roots and leaves of the lotus plant.

The second way to get rid of mosquito larvae is to diligently change the water. And the last way, give vegetable oil to the water to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs.

Fourth, weed the yellowing leaves and check the condition of the leaves regularly. It also minimizes the presence of annoying insects.

Fifth, give growth stimulants (ZPT) so that the formation of flowers is faster. If you reduce chemicals in your garden, you can provide coconut coir soaking water regularly.

The most important thing to understand is that when a plant thrives, it will naturally flower. This means, taking care of the five ways above need to be done to maintain the fertility of the lotus plant.

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