JAKARTA - A soul mate, sometimes comes naturally as if the universe had met, but sometimes it also has to be worked on. But, did you know that lack of sleep could be the reason you haven't met your soul mate? What is the relation?

When you get enough sleep, about 7-8 hours per day and of good quality, this can really help you meet your soul mate. Because, getting enough rest will affect you as a whole, both physically and emotionally.

Still confused about the relationship of lack of sleep and finding a soul mate? Check out the following facts, come on.

You don't look attractive

It is undeniable that appearance is one of the things that can be considered by people to invite acquaintances. When you're sleep deprived, you're bound to look tired and seem less concerned about yourself. Conversely, people who get enough rest will look more attractive to meet.

You get angry easily

According to a 2014 study, it is said that lack of sleep makes couples fight more often. This also applies when you are single. When you don't get enough rest, your thinking power becomes slow and it's hard to empathize with other people's situations. Imagine when you are approaching someone else, then you complain or nag constantly, can keep your soul mate away, right?

Decreased sense of humor

In addition to appearance, usually people who are humorous are also preferred. Unfortunately, when you're sleep deprived, your sense of humor automatically declines. How can? Because humor requires a high level of awareness and when you don't get enough rest, it can have a big impact on the way you joke.

Effect on memory

When you are sleep deprived, you become less concentrated and unconsciously tired. Brain function so it does not work optimally and you will easily forget. When you meet someone, you may forget their name, previous chats, or even forget about an appointment. If this is the case, when will you be able to meet your soul mate?

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