JAKARTA – The pancreas has an important task in producing and managing insulin. The pancreas is also responsible for producing enzymes to break down fats, carbohydrates, and proteins in the body. So, the right treatment is to live a healthy lifestyle.

Especially for diabetics, the condition of the pancreas needs to be maintained. How to? Here's the list.

Enough drinks with acid content

According to Luke Coutinho, a healthy lifestyle coach reported by Healthline, Tuesday, June 15, lemon water in the morning can be a great remedy for acidity. But food with a high level of acidity that is consumed continuously will also not be good.

Consumption of cruciferous vegetables

Launching Trubus, cruciferous vegetables are vegetables from the Brassicaceae family with many genera, species, and cultivars. Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, bok choy, radishes, cabbage, and arugula.

These cruciferous vegetables can benefit your pancreas.


Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties that are beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. Meanwhile, for people with high blood pressure, garlic can keep the body healthy.

The body is well hydrated

Excess or lack of hydration in the body causes inflammation of the pancreas. Cells in the pancreas need hydration all the time. This means that you need to make sure you drink at least 8-10 glasses every day. Or by eating fruits that contain lots of water such as cucumbers, watermelons, strawberries, lettuce, radishes, and tomatoes.

Drink less tea and coffee

Tea and coffee contain caffeine which can cause acidity and inflammation of the pancreas. You can consume herbal teas but it is necessary on the recommendation of your doctor.


Eat more fruits and vegetables

Seasonal fresh vegetables and fruits can help keep your pancreas healthy. Fruits and vegetables that are good for the diet will also be good at providing digestive enzymes.

Reduce fast food

Fast food makes the pancreas work extra to produce digestive enzymes. The body will lack these enzymes and difficult to process the food consumed. Well, enzyme deficiency also causes acidity and other digestive disorders.

Avoid eating late at night

The pancreas is not designed to produce enzymes throughout the day. At night, the body needs rest so that it can work optimally the next day. That is, avoid eating heavy meals late at night, especially those containing high calories and fat.

Get enough rest

Rest is needed for recovery, including time for the pancreas to pause before working again to produce insulin. Sleep and fast or temporarily stop eating food for a certain duration to regenerate enzymes.

Reduce fatty foods

A diet of fatty foods can make a person feel lethargic and heavy. Because after all the body needs adequate intake to support metabolism. So try to balance it with good fats like avocado, olive oil, and ghee.

Regular exercise

Exercise allows blood circulation. It will also nourish the pancreas to supply enough blood. In addition, exercise is also important for heart health and cholesterol.

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