High Cortisol Hormone Potentially Increases Blood Sugar, Expert Advice: Reduce Staying Up Late
Illustration of staying up late (Unsplash/Victoria Heath)

JAKARTA – People with diabetes have high blood sugar levels. This tendency for blood glucose levels to be above normal requires healthy habits to keep your metabolism working properly.

So what is the relationship between staying up late and blood sugar levels? Staying up late or sleeping later and not having enough quality sleep can trigger the production of the hormone cortisol.

Cortisol is a hormone from the glucocorticoid group. It is produced by cells in the adrenal glands and is known as a stress hormone. Stress is not only experienced emotionally, the body also experiences stress when forced to work more than its limits.

Cortisol hormone in the context of blood sugar, in charge of maintaining and controlling blood sugar levels. This hormone can trigger the release of insulin by pancreatic beta cells.

Cortisol is associated with increased blood sugar levels. This is caused by pressure, stress, infection, injury, or doing strenuous activities. The way this hormone works is very simple.

But it affects all organs and metabolism. When the brain is ordered to respond to bad habits, such as staying up late, the adrenal glands simultaneously produce cortisol.

The hormone cortisol does not only increase at night, especially when the body has not rested or fallen asleep. Hormones will also increase in the morning, highest at 8 am. Furthermore, it will decrease and be lowest just before bedtime.

In a talk show entitled Diabetes Mellitus Series: Is Checking Blood Sugar Enough, which was held by Asah Kebaikan today (12/6), Drs. apt. Julian Afferino Taruna Vijaya, MS explained that maintaining the balance of the cortisol hormone is in harmony with maintaining normal blood glucose levels.

“Emotions or feelings of anger also increase cortisol. Cortisol also triggers an increase in adrenaline. And to lower the hormone cortisol, it takes a long time,” explained Julian.

He also added that it took a long time to lower the hormone cortisol. That is, you need to live healthy habits to make all body mechanisms work properly.

In addition to maintaining a sleep pattern, you also need to maintain a healthy diet with the right amount of carbohydrates, a mood to avoid stress, uncontrollable emotions, and a high temper to keep blood sugar levels from soaring.

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