5 Types Of Sports That Are Suitable For Ages 40 And Over
Illustration of a couple exercising (Freepik/wvebreakmedia_micro)

JAKARTA – The thing that cannot be postponed and avoided is age. Even though you are getting older, it is still good to do sports. When you enter the age of 40 years or more than that age, then the following are recommendations for the right type of exercise.

Why is it necessary to choose an age-appropriate sport? Holy Perkins, a personal trainer and author of Lift to Get Lean, says that the body begins to decline after about age 30. The older you get, the more significant the decline.

Natalie Gill in Fit After 40 recommends a number of exercises to keep you fit. With exercise, the body also looks fitter and slows down the decline in function due to age. What sports can you do regularly? Here's the list.

Cardiovascular exercise

Based on a survey conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, almost 1 percent of women in America aged between 20-39 years suffer from coronary heart disease. At the age of 40-59 years the number of sufferers increased almost 10 times.

So to keep the heart healthy one of them with cardio exercise. This type of exercise is great for pumping the heart and keeping the heart muscle strong, says Perkins.

For maximum effect, you need to exercise at 80 percent of your maximum heart rate for 30 minutes 4 times a week. Cardio includes walking, zumba, jogging, brisk walking, and cycling.


In addition to tennis, you can also jump jacks to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Because according to data submitted by the National Osteoporosis Foundation, about 1 in 2 women over the age of 50 experience a fracture due to osteoporosis.

As you get older, your bones become more brittle. Weight training can also strengthen bone strength.

Strength training

Types of exercise that train bone strength are squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses. According to Perkins' recommendations, you don't need to spend hours on weightlifting. The types of exercise mentioned above are more effective in reducing the risk of arthritis or arthritis.


Yoga is a sport that can fight anxiety and depression. Many studies have proven the benefits of yoga, such as one of which is that yoga can increase mood-regulating neurotransmitters.

Even yoga with certain movements is classified as weight-bearing strength training and cardiovascular conditioning.


An exercise movement called a plank can treat back pain. Try doing it for 90 ticks 3 times a week. Plank, according to Perkins, is also a great movement to train all the core muscles of the body. Not only train the abdominal muscles, but also the chest and spine muscles.

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