JAKARTA - Vegetables do have many benefits and are also good for health. However, there are several types of vegetables that diabetics should avoid.

Some types of vegetables that have a high glycemic index can raise blood sugar levels quickly. Hence, diabetics need to really pay attention to the food they eat. So, what vegetables should not be consumed for diabetics?

Vegetables contain starch

For people with type 2 diabetes, it is not recommended to eat vegetables that contain starch. Carbohydrates in vegetables that contain starch will be broken down into glucose and absorbed into the blood.

Vegetables that contain starch also have a high glycemic index, so they can increase blood sugar levels quickly.

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Types of vegetables that contain starch, including beets, corn, beans, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, taro, potatoes, yam (yam), and others.

Vegetables are high in sodium

Diabetics should avoid foods with high sodium content. Foods that are high in sodium can worsen the condition of diabetics because they can cause high blood pressure. For diabetics, sodium consumption should not exceed 2300 mg or as much as one teaspoon per day.

Some types of vegetables can have high sodium due to the addition of sodium during processing or processing. What vegetables should not be consumed by diabetics?

Canned vegetables that are high in added sodium, canned soups, vegetables cooked with added butter, cheese, or high-sodium sauces, pickled vegetables, salads with high-sodium dressing mixes, sour cabbage, packaged vegetable juices.

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