JAKARTA - Anya Geraldine was invited to an interview with Valerie Thomas on the YouTube channel, Bacot Television. In the interview, Anya admitted that she was still a virgin.

Anya's statement came out when Valeri challenged her with a question. Anya had to answer. Otherwise Anya will have to drink as punishment.

"When was the last time you lost your virginity?" Valerie asked Anya.

"I'm still a virgin," answered Anya.

However, after answering that question Anya drank the drink in front of her. A sip from Anya was greeted by Valerie's laughter.

Anya then actually told about her first kiss when she was still sitting in a kindergarten (TK) bench. "When I was in kindergarten, I was like playing 'princess' with my friend."

"We're still kids. I'm Snow White. Then, mmm, that's it," Anya.

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