JAKARTA - Entering the age of 30, you will need extra care to get healthy and smooth skin. Along with getting older, it is not impossible that signs of premature aging begin to appear, especially if you were not too diligent in taking care of your face.

You may start to experience some changes in your skin. For example, the skin becomes drier and duller, blemishes are difficult to remove, fine lines begin to appear in the under-eye area.

Relax, there is still a chance to improve skin condition with daily care. Here are some products that you must use regularly.

Chemical exfoliation

For maximum clean skin, don't forget to regularly use chemical exfoliation products. Do not use scrub products because they are too harsh for facial skin. Instead, choose products such as exfoliating toners that contain AHAs and BHAs to remove dead skin cells and clean pores.

Hydrating toner

After you finish using the facial wash, make it a habit to use a hydrating toner. This product is great for making the skin more moist, well hydrated, and balancing the pH level of the skin. Hydrating toners are also great for preparing the skin to receive a range of other products afterward, such as essences, moisturizers, and serums.


Serum must also be used regularly to help the process of regenerating facial skin cells. Serum choices are actually many and you can choose according to skin conditions. For example to brighten, remove dullness, moisturize, collagen serum to make skin more supple or antioxidant serum to provide protection against free radicals.

eye cream

For skin care around the eyes, you need eye cream. Its function is to make eye skin more moist, overcome dark under eyes, to fade fine lines. Even though the problem has not yet appeared, you can still use eye cream for prevention.


The function of retinol is to prevent and disguise the signs of premature aging on the skin, including wrinkles. If you regularly use products that contain retinol, your skin can be brighter, remove rough textures, and can even out skin tone. Retinol can be found in toners or serums.


If in your 20s you were still lazy to use sunscreen, now you may have black spots on your face. If left unchecked, these spots can increase and be difficult to remove. To prevent this, you must wear sunscreen every day. The reason, these black spots usually arise due to sun exposure. So don't be lazy to use sunscreen, plus you have to reapply every 2-3 hours so that the protection is maximum.

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