JAKARTA - Arzety Bilbina's life journey can be said to have matured as a person, mother, as well as a representative of the people. Having a career as a model since she was young, Arzety is still a role model for new models who are pursuing careers. As a mother, Arzety has also succeeded in assisting her sons and daughters with achievements. And as a member of the DPR, Arzety maximizes his efforts to be useful in the community.
Of course it is not an easy achievement. The wife of Aditya Setiawan does not admit to trying to be wise in dividing his time between work and taking care of his children. All of his life journey, dedicated to migrating, undergo a process to live a better life from time to time.
"My life's journey is extraordinarily beautiful. The dynamics of my life, in my opinion. After all, Allah will definitely give a life test for our promotion. Maybe in the past, in the world of art workers, the dynamics were different. After getting married, I felt I needed to have another stage like I have ever been. working in the art world, "he said during a conversation with VOI in Menteng, Central Jakarta, Friday, May 7.
It seems that her success in managing that time started with the blessing of her husband. According to this mother of three children, her decision to pursue a career in politics received the full support of her husband.
"Alhamdulilah, when I told my husband that I wanted to become a legislator, I wanted to truly be part of the community, blessed. Maybe when in the world of art, the rhythm is happy on the stage, then we get an honorarium, an envelope after every activity. legislator is where we blusukan, greet, become part of our consistency. The enjoyment is different, "he said.
Despite being on a different stage, Arzety felt that he never lost his direction and confidence. His love for art made him flexible wherever he was placed.
"Basically everything is talking about art. Politics is an art, it can be used when we work. Together in the art world we work as a team, in politics we also have a team to achieve common goals. So the point is politics and art are one unit, the dynamic of which is the process. , "he explained.
This 47-year-old woman said that because of God's power, she was able to divide her time between taking care of her job and her child. "Because of the power of God. Because the basics used to be we lived in the area, yes, the contents of school and the Koran, the rhythm is the guide of life," he explained.
"In the modeling world, there are certain limits where I work as a professional. People used to think the modeling world was terrible, no, I dare say no because I was there. We have family, customs, strict rules from parents. So when people say Hijrah, hijrah is where we always draw closer to Allah. What knowledge we have can be used as a mother, a wife, and as a working woman. That's Masya Allah, "he added.
The best achievement, according to her, as a wife is when she can accompany and enjoy the experience of moving with her husband. "Mas Didit at this time said that he really enjoyed his hijrah trip. Mas Didit used to be in Singapore and Australia for a long time, did not enjoy waking up at night, confide in Allah. Then fix himself. For him it was a great pleasure," he said.
Arzety Bilbina has one weapon which according to him can keep him alert. "Fear of Allah. If we are afraid of Allah, it feels like the burden does not exist at all. We surrender to Allah. The name of the position, position, material, enjoyment of the world is entrusted to Allah. God willing, we will sincerely do whatever it is. And we are grateful. to Allah so that Allah will add to his enjoyment, "he said.
The opportunity to become people's representatives, according to Arzety Bilbina, is a mandate that makes him always want to be grateful. "The way to be grateful is to work as well as possible. Always ask Allah for knowledge. The more you come here to become a mother and work, how come you always feel less. It feels really difficult to be a good mother, a good wife. Therefore, always ask Allah for strength. being a mother, being a good wife for her husband, being a public servant, especially in Surabaya, "he said.
Behind all of her success, Arzety always puts herself as a congregation or a follower of her husband. Ridho's husband is always his priority.
"Do not let us disbelieve what has been given. Because after all the wife is behind the husband. Do not let the husband displeased with what we do. Do not let arrogance with the husband and become arbitrary, delicious kufr," he explained.
Growing up and aging with my husband, Arzety feels good when they have the same goals. "Arzeti Bilbina admits that he continues to monitor his children to carry out their obligations as children to learn." Alhamdulillah, Mas Didit enjoyed hijrah for him. In the past, for example, when the prayer hours were looking for a mosque, it was only limited to doing. Never felt good like now. That night was the time to add knowledge. Whatever we do now is even more enjoyable because mutual support is intended for Allah, "he explained.
"Intend to find the face of Allah, ma'am. That language is always spoken," he added.
The happiness was even more complete when his three children Bagas Wicaksono Rahadi Setiawan, Dimas Aryo Baskoro Rahadi Setiawan, and Gendis Setiawan grew up to become individuals with achievements. Bagas is currently studying at Taruna Nusantara High School in Magelang, Central Java. This school is believed to be a school for the candidates for the Indonesian Military General.
"Children, Alhamdulillah, yesterday's Ramadan was able to take turns as priests. Children should know that they are nothing if they do not follow Allah and the Prophet," he explained.
Family, for Arzety, is the core of all the life she leads. Family is an unbroken field of worship. "In a family, worship does not stop until we die. So family is our step to reach the pleasure of Allah. The pleasure of being a mother, wife, child of a mother, is extraordinary," he said.
Arzety himself admits that maintaining family harmony is not an easy matter. There are dynamics that Arzety feels when trying to continue to educate children. "There are dynamics. But that's where the joy is if we have a complete family. It feels like sakinah mawaddah warohmah is very delicious," he explained.
Like other mothers, Arzety is often irritated by her children when she wakes up for Fajr prayers. "Sometimes the mother's name has something to do with it. But the children actually like drama because when they are not together, they miss being woken up by their mother. It's funny," he recalled.
Arzety feels that children's success is a test. "This is a prayer when the children are taught to enter their favorite school. This is a test for us whether we are able to always accompany the children. We always pray, 'Oh Allah help us.' So this makes us feel even more worried whether or not, that's why we clean up ourselves. and self-esteem, "he said.
There is something Arzety cannot give fully to her baby, namely time. Often the children protested because they weren't always accompanied by their mother. "Once the child asked why Mother was not always there to accompany them. I said that it was the luck of friends who were always accompanied by their parents, my son also had the fortune of his parents which was beneficial for the community," he said.
What is important now is the sincerity of the children to allow their mothers to work. When the mother is not at home, they can carry out their duties as children.
"The important thing is that they learn to fear Allah's punishment. They are oriented towards their Messenger, hopefully it will become their guide to organize their life in the future. Hopefully they can become devoted servants of Allah. That is the hope," said Arzeti Bilbina.
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