6 Things To Feel When The Body Lacks Water Intake
Illustration (Nigel Msipa/Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Since childhood, you must have often heard the advice to drink eight glasses of water per day. But in fact, there are still many who have not practiced it in daily life. Why does the body need to drink that much? Because the human body itself basically consists of 75 percent water. Therefore, it takes about 2 liters of water per day to keep the body from dehydration.

Water is needed to maintain brain function, maintain kidney function, circulate nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, maintain heart health, and make the body healthier overall. So what happens when people often drink less water? Here's a list of the dangers!


When you drink less water, the thing that can be felt immediately is a headache. The pain can be mild to interfere with activity. Lack of fluid intake often causes temporary shrinkage of the brain and causes pain. Well, when the intake is met, headaches can be prevented.

Feeling sleepy all day

From waking up to having a day of doing things like forgetting to drink water? It is natural that you become tired and sleepy continuously. Even though the body is fit and sleep enough, but because you do not drink water, you can feel sleepy all day and so not energized to do activities.


When drinking less, the mouth area becomes drier and can invite bacteria to enter. As a result, the smell of breath becomes unpleasant smell. In fact, drinking enough water can break down saliva and overcome bad breath due to bacteria. Must be bothered if anyone commentin you bad breath? Let's not be lazy to drink!

Difficulty defecating

In addition to lack of fiber, not drinking enough water can also make constipation. Without adequate water intake in the digestive tract, the colon will absorb water from the stool and then as a result is the stool itself becomes denser and harder to get out.

Dry skin

Have expensive skin care and skincare routine skin remains dry and dull looking? Just keep in mind how often you drink water. If it's still below average, it could be the cause. Try drinking water regularly so that your body reaches the skin area is well hydrated.

Difficulty focusing

One of the effects of drinking less water that often occurs is loss of focus. You often forget and mess up your activities. Lack of concentration can also be caused by insufficient water intake in the body. Dehydration can cause difficulty focusing and easy to forget, even in simple things that are commonly done.

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