JAKARTA - Outdoor sports are the choice of many people today. Can walk 10 thousand steps, jogging, or cycling. For those of you who like morning exercise, do not forget to keep taking care of the skin of the face. No need to be complicated and long! Let's follow these tips!

Cleansing your face

After waking up, you can wash your face immediately with a facial cleanser. This can make your face cleaner and fresher before exercise! Choose a light facial wash product only in the morning.

Don't forget sunscreen

It is very important to apply sunscreen before leaving the house. In fact this is the most mandatory product to use before exercise. Because it is very important to keep protecting the skin from sun exposure!

Protect face with hat

You can also provide extra protection for your skin by wearing a hat during exercise. If the morning sun is hot enough, you can also wear sunglasses.

Wash your face after exercise

During exercise, of course the body will sweat. Well, this sweat could be where bacteria thrive. So indeed after exercise, you should wash your face and take a shower. But wait a while until the body temperature is colder yes.

Apply aloe vera

If you exercise oversleep and the sun is very hot, usually the skin becomes reddish due to burning. After exercise, you can clean your face and body and then apply aloe vera gel to soothe the skin.

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