Tips To Create Screen Time Rules So That Children Are Not Always Busy Playing Gadgets
Illustration (Ksenia Chernaya/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Don't want your child to be constantly busy with gadgets? Then parents must make screen time rules at home so that children can learn discipline, obey the rules, and actively engage in activities that do not involve gadgets.

At first it must feel heavy because many parents give gadgets so that the child is calm and not fussy when watching movies or playing games. However, this habit can not be allowed because it can make children addicted to gadgets and reluctant to do other activities.

For those of you who are new to thinking about screen time rules, here are the tips

Make clear rules

You can discuss with the whole family at home to discuss the rules of gadget use. Propose a prohibited time/time to use gadgets, such as any mealtime, before bedtime, family gathering time, or limit the use of holding gadgets, for example only 30 minutes per day. Ask the child's opinion about this rule so that he feels involved and explain why he should follow the rules. Well, this rule applies to all family members, so it's not just for children!

Parents give examples

Sometimes parents ask their children not to do something, but if they turn to themselves it is difficult. So, if you want your child to follow the rules of screen time, you as a parent should also give an example. Because the child prefers to imitate what his parents do rather than just according to it.

Alarm clock in the nursery

Instead of being given a mobile phone and left with the child at night, it is best to put the alarm clock in the nursery. This clock will be useful to wake the child every morning without having to use the alarm from the phone. So a few hours before going to bed, parents can pick up the child's gadget and store it outside the room.

Gadget holidays every weekend

Every Saturday and Sunday, you can also apply the rules to absolutely no screen time. The time can certainly be spent doing fun activities, such as playing together, sightseeing, sports, or making crafts at home.

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