JAKARTA - Lady Gaga reveals the sexual violence she experienced in an interview in the documentary "The Me You Can't See" about mental health and the long-term effects of trauma. It turns out the 35-year-old singer suffered from a "psychotic disorder" after being the victim of rape and became pregnant by a producer when she was 19.

"I worked in this business and a producer said, 'Take off your clothes'. And I refused, and they said I was going to burn all my music. And they didn't stop. They didn't stop asking me, and I just froze and I... I don't even remember," the singer, who first revealed the sexual assault in 2014, was quoted as saying by ANTARA.

"First, I felt very, very hurt, and then I was numb. I felt sick for weeks, and weeks after, and I realized it was the same pain when the person who raped and impregnated cornered me," he added, reported by Reuters.

The "Star is Born" singer suffered from a psychotic disorder and for several years she felt not the same person she used to be.

But Lady Gaga declined to say who the man who raped her was. "I understand the movement #MeToo, I understand some people are comfortable with the movement, but I don't. I don't want to face that person anymore," he said.

In 2012, Lady Gaga founded the Born this Way Foundation for people struggling with mental health issues.

He said the healing process was slow. "Even though I've had a brilliant six months, it only takes one trigger to feel bad again," Lady Gaga said.

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