5 Easy Ways To Share On Eid Al-Fitr
Ilustrasi (Dario Fernandez/Pexels)

JAKARTA - When giving sincerely, you not only make others happy, but also yourself. Giving here doesn't even always have to be in material form.

Patrick Stoekmann, a professional and personal coach, in one of his articles entitled Master of The Art Giving, writes, "Humanly, many people believe that if they have something more, then they will give more.

However, if you think like that, you will never feel enough let alone to give something to someone else." He also added, "Basically all human beings have gifts that can be given to others." The following are some examples.

Give an apology

Sincere forgiveness is sometimes not easy, but if you manage to do so, you can heal the wounds of others as well as yourself. Surely this will make you and others happier.

Giving good

Doing good is the easiest gift you can give to others. Tidy up the table and dispose of the trash in the fast food restaurant after you finish Return the trolley in the supermarket in place. Help an elderly person when you have to go up or down stairs. The list you can do is limitless. Doing good will bring happiness to the giver, the recipient and whoever sees it.

Providing talent

Maybe you have skills in writing, storytelling, cooking, dancing, speeching, playing tennis, or something else. Give an hour of your time to train someone.

Provide attendance

Make someone feel loved, special, and appreciated by visiting them, calling, or sending a message to ask for news.

So listeners to happy stories or complain of their disappointment. Berian hugs when they need it.

Give time and effort

As well as doing good, there's a lot you can do when you volunteer. Help at the disaster relief post. Actively assisting complex hygiene activities. Take care of the dog or cat in the shelter.

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