JAKARTA - Homecoming is a tradition of every Eid al-Fitr and other big days. Because there are conditions out of control or choose to follow the government's advice to minimize the spread of Covid-19, it could be a reason to postpone homecoming.

Longing for home and the choice of not homecoming is not a limitation to feel happy. Well, so that happiness levels do not decrease, you can follow the VOI recommendations below.

Intense communication

Because almost everyone has a smart device, communicating via video call or sending voice messages to each other can be a bit of a relief.

Although you can only communicate far away with family in your hometown and your closest friends and colleagues, at least you can feel the situation of Eid without worrying about being or making a crowd.

Be aware of every decision

Emotional intelligence starts from being aware of every decision. That choosing not to go home is the wisest step in the situation you are facing, then there is no need to nelangsa because it is far from the family when Eid.

Build an activity plan

Die style or do not know what activities can make you happy, certainly make the mood worse. So try to make plans every day to fill the Eid holiday time without homecoming. For example, after contacting the whole family, you can me time.

Stay active on the move

Moving makes a person more excited and can still control the mind. To keep your thoughts negative and sad, try to stay actively moving. You can walk around the residence or garden in the courtyard.

Enjoy every activity

Enjoying activities often misses, because the mind everywhere and homesickness can make less focus in filling your time during Eid al-Fitr. Tips, try to enjoy every activity. If in the context of eastern philosophy is called to be present.

However, there are things that are out of control, so accepting choices and staying grateful always in good health is a way to feel happy.

Stick to your routine

Routines have patterns, this is what keeps you on an activity schedule even if it's a vacation. In the simplest case, sleep patterns, exercise schedules, mealtimes, and other daily activities need to be carried out as usual.

Create simple but meaningful moments

In the hometown during Eid in general there is a meal with a large family. You can make eid moments happy even if you are not homecoming.

For example, by cooking typical Eid food based on recipes from home via video call. You can schedule so you can spend time together.

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