Despite Being Equally Afraid Of Fat, It's The Difference Between Anorexia And Bulimia
Ilustrasi (Annie Spratt/Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Maybe you've heard there are people who are so afraid of fat that they can no longer enjoy food. The best known terms are anorexia and bulimia. Both are eating disorders that people are very afraid of gaining weight and then becoming obese. The concept itself is very far from a healthy diet so it is quite extreme and dangerous.

Some people may still be confused about distinguishing anorexia and bulimia. Although similar and equally eating disorders, there are actually striking differences between the two. Let's know what the difference is?

Anorexia nervosa

In addition to eating disorders, people with anorexia nervosa have distorted body image. They have a severe but unwarranted fear of being overweight.

Anorexia sufferers are so afraid of fat that they have a strict and unreasonable diet. In fact, when they are already very thin below average, the feeling of fat fear always arises so that makes these people look like living bones.

In order not to be 'fat' what they do is never eat, skip a lot of mealtimes, consume as few foods as possible that are unreasonable, always poorly minded about their own body shape, avoid eating in front of others, and over-exercise.

The effects of such extreme diets, anorexia people often have a weight well below normal (underweight), some even to look terrible.

They are also prone to bone loss, shrinking muscles, brittle hair and nails, low blood pressure, anemia, always tired at all times, never menstruating, can even cause damage to various organs of the body.

Bulimia nervosa

In contrast to anorexia, people with bulimia have a tendency to overeat but are followed by tremendous guilt. Usually they will re-remove food that has entered his mouth, forced vomiting or direct defecation that is aided by laxatives.

People with bulimia often feel like eating a lot until it hurts the stomach. This eating habit is rarely shown in others, because they choose to eat alone. After eating, they usually go to the restroom to get food out of their stomach. Another habit is to exercise excessively after eating and always worry about weight.

Adverse effects of bulimia that can occur include inflammation and pain due to exposure to stomach acid, swelling of the salivary glands, damaged teeth, lack of fluid, disturbed digestive system, even to cause a heart attack.

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