JAKARTA - Financial problems are one of the many domestic problems faced by married couples. Moreover, if the wife's income is greater than the husband's.

This will certainly seriously affect marriage. Especially in Indonesia, this is still very taboo. However, there is no need to worry because it can be handled correctly. Here are some ways you can prevent household problems when your wife has a larger income:


Everything problems in the household, can be solved well with communication. It's the same with financial problems. When talking about the amount of income of the wife rather than the husband, the main thing to prevent problems is to talk bluntly so that there is no riot in the future.


No less important than communication is honesty or transparency. Before finally triggering problems in the future, it is better to be honest from the beginning.

Involve your husband when planning a household budget

When it comes to earning more, the fear that will happen is when one party dominates. Therefore, it is important to involve the husband when planning a budget in the household. It will make the husband feel more appreciated.

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