10 Guide To Decorating A Bedroom Based On Feng Shui
Illustration of bedroom decoration according to feng shui (Pexels/Jason Boyd)

JAKARTA – Many architecture and interior designers hold feng shui principles in arranging a building or room. Because feng shui combines the principle of balance of natural elements, it is not wrong if you implement when decorating the bedroom.

In the setting of the room, feng shui considers furniture materials, direction of the wind, color, position, harmony, movement of air, and light. To update the bedroom atmosphere, here's a guide based on feng shui that can be applied easily.

Adjusting the bed position

Putting a bed in the middle of the room is not allowed. Because the head must be protected by a dense wall. So, it is better to put the head of the bed mepet or adjacent to the wall.

Decorating to make it more aesthetically pleasing

You can put a nightstand on either side of the bed or both sides. Choose a balanced material, for example if the bed is considered a wooden cot, then choose a wooden nightstand as well.

Placing two things in pairs, such as a cot and a wooden nightstand, can emit balanced energy. When only one side, balance with one other property to be balanced, such as a dressing table or standing night lamp to make it more unsightly.

Give it a touch of art by sticking to the frescoes. This is important so that the walls are not empty and appear 'cool'.

To add positive energy in the bedroom, put a small plant with water planting media to complement the natural elements in the bedroom. It can also be by hanging a painting or photo depicting a water element.


Bedrooms with good décor and layout will drain positive energy. The effect is felt through the quality of sleep and comfort. Life with a partner will also be more harmonious.

Based on feng shui, you need to choose a neutral bedroom paint color. For example, calm colors such as beige, brown, warm yellow, and soft toska green.

Mirror position

Avoid mirror positions facing the bed. It anticipates light bouncing as well as reflecting your shadow while asleep. This can bring negative energy.

In addition, unused items need to be removed because it becomes a source of negative energy. By getting rid of useless items, chaos is also eliminated. The effect is spreading positive energy and happiness.

Garnish with fresh flowers

If you don't like farming, you can occasionally buy a bunch of fresh flowers to decorate the bedroom. The energy of flowers or plants in the bedroom is neutralized.

tips dekorasi kamar tidur
Illustration of fresh flowers in the bedroom (Pexels/Max Vakhtbovych)

Adjust the position of the door and bed

Either the bedroom exit or the bathroom door should not be placed parallel or straight in line with the bed. Doors symbolize life control.

It is good to position the bed that can control the flow of energy from the open door. Place the bed diagonally position with the door.

Set the balance

The master bedroom for you and your partner, it's good to be in the middle of the room with the head part of the wall. Avoid one side sticking to the wall. This position will not be convenient, because access will be limited on one side and make no part of the positive chi energy.

Soft bedroom light

A quieter atmosphere is more to be had when the bedroom light is soft. Avoid bright and striking lighting as much as possible. Lights on the ceiling, do not put right on the mattress.

It is better to wear a table lamp with a yellowish color. To keep energy flowing set natural light from the outside into the bedroom.

tips dekorasi kamar tidur
Illustration of natural light in the bedroom (Pexels/Max Vakhtbovych)

Things to avoid are in the bedroom

Televisions and sports equipment are not put in the bedroom, why? Because the bedroom is intimate and personal. These two items can affect a person's personal life.

Choose efficient furniture

In order not to accumulate items, you can choose efficient furniture. For example, a functional nightstand drawer, storage under the mattress that can be used to store pillows, bolsters, or linen bedding.

In feng shui, wood elements are highly recommended for beds. Wood elements can absorb moist air due to sweating. So it is more able to balance the condition of the room than other elements, such as metal.

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