JAKARTA - On November 28, surprisingly, soloist Charli XCX wrote a long article via his personal Twitter. She shared her doubts and worries about being a female singer in the music industry.

“I am an artist, a writer who writes hits for myself / other musicians, video director, executive producer for Netflix series, a & r, runs a label, manages two artists .. If I were a man, I would be worshiped as a god. in the music industry but as a woman I'm just - doubtful ?? " wrote Charli

“I don't need people to feel guilty about me - I just speak plainly. The woman in the industry continues to be questioned over the validity of… 'Did she REALLY write that?' 'Did he REALLY produce that?' "Does he REALLY know what he's doing?" I see that all the time. "

“All female singers in 2019 are women in business: running their own careers, making their own decisions, directing their own team, showing points, being groundbreaking and creating their own art. Like, this is CLEAR. Don't insult us. "

Charli had no intention of insulting anyone. He only feels himself as a woman - to enter the music industry - becomes doubtful that often makes a production. This year, Charli has been productive in terms of music and films. His new album, Charli contains single tracks as well as songs that he composed. Charli also invited various cross-genre musicians to fill in the tracks in his album, some of which were Lizzo, Sky Ferreira, HAIM, Clairo, and Yaeji.

This album, which NME calls bold, brash, and brilliant, was self-produced. Charli's album is a remake of an album that was leaked to the public by hackers, containing songs that have been recorded even though they don't have the original title. Later, Charli became the producer of a Netflix exclusive TV series entitled I'm With the band: Nasty Cherry.

Charli is the creator of Nasty Cherry and through this series he wants to show music lovers how to shape and introduce Nasty Cherry to the public. This six-episode program can be watched via the Netflix streaming service.

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