Caring For A Cat While Pregnant Can Harm The Fetus, Myth Or Fact?
Illustration of pregnant women and cats (Sunsetoned / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Keeping pets is, of course, fun. The reason is, they can be made like friends. Therefore, it's no wonder that the presence of pets means a lot to some people.

Unfortunately, apart from being seen as a quiet antidote, there are some concerns as some pets pose a potential safety and health risk. The question that often arises is, is it safe to be near pets such as cats when pregnant?

Actually, keeping a cat while pregnant can be said to be safe. Just like dogs, pregnant women should still watch out for cat bites, scratches, and fleas. Apart from these three aspects, mothers who are pregnant should also be aware of cat litter. This is because cat litter contains parasites that cause toxoplasmosis.

Launched alodokter, Friday, May 7, Toxoplasmosis is an infection in humans caused by the protozoa (single-celled organism) Toxoplasma gondii (T.gondii). This disease can enter the body if you unconsciously put your hand in your mouth after handling an infected cat feces.

Although toxoplasmosis is a common infection when keeping cats, it is rare during pregnancy and affects the pregnancy or the baby it is carrying. The reason is, not all cats have parasites in the body.

Cats that are kept indoors are rarely exposed to toxoplasmosis. Feral cats usually have more toxoplasmosis. Even so, you should consult an obstetrician for the safety of the mother and baby.

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