These Are 6 Dangers Of Consuming Tea On An Empty Stomach!
Illustration (Burst / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Apart from coffee, tea is a popular daytime drink. In fact, some people feel less energized if they haven't sipped their tea in the morning.

Drinking tea is also good for health because tea contains a number of important nutrients. One of the compounds is catechins, high in antioxidants which are good for immunity and metabolism. Tea also consists of several types with different aroma and taste profiles. There are green tea, white tea, to black tea which is popular.

But who would have thought drinking tea in the morning had rules. Health experts recommend not drinking tea on an empty stomach because it is not good for health. Reporting from Bold Sky, Wednesday, May 5, here are six effects of drinking tea on an empty stomach in the morning:

Interfere with the body's metabolic activity

The habit of drinking tea immediately after waking up can actually disrupt the body's metabolic system. This is due to an imbalance of acid and alkaline compounds in the stomach.

Tooth enamel erosion

In addition, drinking tea on an empty stomach can also cause erosion of tooth enamel. This happens because bacteria in the mouth will break down sugar, which results in an increase in acid levels in the mouth. Ultimately this condition leads to tooth enamel erosion.


Another effect is that the body will become dehydrated, aka lack of fluids. Because tea is a diuretic which can get rid of the water content in the body. When you wake up, your body is actually already dehydrated because you haven't been drinking for up to 8 hours. Now, if you add to drinking tea that is a diuretic, it is not impossible for your body to experience severe dehydration.


The next effect of drinking tea on an empty stomach is feeling bloated. It usually occurs when you drink tea with a mixture of milk. The presence of high lactose content in milk can affect the condition of an empty intestine. This is what results in flatulence, gas, and constipation.


Another thing that people often feel when they drink tea on an empty stomach is nausea. This is because bile activity is disrupted. Side effects include nausea and a feeling of restlessness.

Reduced iron absorption

Green tea can decrease the body's ability to absorb iron naturally. People who are anemic should not drink tea on an empty stomach, because it can reduce the level of iron absorption in the body from other food sources.

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