JAKARTA - Everyone should not overlook caring for the skin to stay healthy. Because with maximum care, you can make your skin moisturised and radiant.

One thing that can treat it is by using trusted skin care products. However, before you buy dehydration products, you need to know a variety of ingredients to keep skin hydrated.

Reporting from Self, Thursday, April 29, indeed, most moisturizing products contain moisturizing skin care ingredients, but not all of them work effectively because they are mixed with other ingredients that make the skin dry.

So it is important to know the content of skin care to prevent dehydrated skin. What are the ingredients? the following among them.


Glycerin is one of the most common moisturizing ingredients seen on product labels. This ingredient is a humectant, which means that it can help you draw water to your skin so that it will no longer be dehydrated and dry.

Hyaluronic Acid

It should be noted, however, that hyaluronic acid has been the preferred skin care ingredient in recent years. This is because this material can hold water up to 1,000 times. This material is also present in the body naturally so it cannot irritate the skin.


Ceramides are an important part of the stratum corneum, which is the natural barrier of the skin. This material does function to treat dry skin constantly and also helps in potential irritations that come out on the skin. Therefore, this material is safe for use in preventing dehydration.

Fatty Alcohols

It is often heard that alcohol is one of the ingredients that has a bad reputation in treating skin. However, please note that not all alcohol is the same. Fatty alcohols like cetyl and stearyl can actually moisturize the skin.


You are familiar, right? Yup, petrolatum is the same ingredient as petroleum jelly. This ingredient acts as an occlusive barrier in skin care products to help reduce the amount of water lost on the skin. Therefore, petrolatum is very suitable for use for dry skin.

Lactic Acid

Lactic acid can increase hydration of the skin. Not only increases, lactic acid can also help remove dead skin cells and dirt on the face. This material is the same as glycolic acid and polyhydroxy acid. Therefore, try to use products made from lactic acid.

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