JAKARTA - Traveling home is not just a tradition for the community, but also a very important moment for families. Therefore, ensuring that travelers can travel without worry through self-acceleration insurance programs is important.
This year, the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation estimates that there will be more than 145 million people who will travel home. With long and busy travel times, various unexpected risks are very likely. Therefore, careful preparation and extra protection are needed for the safety and peace of the travelers
Regarding this, Edhi Tjahja Negara, President Director of Zurich said there are 3 main reasons for the importance of travel protection and self-accident insurance for travelers. Here are.
1. The Surge In The Number Of Homecomers, The Risk Of Travel Increases
The number of travelers traveling back to their hometowns is increasing every year. Data from the Department of Transportation shows a significant increase from 123.8 million travelers in 2023 to 193.6 million travelers in 2024. Density in various modes of transportation increases the risk of unexpected travel, both on land, sea, and air routes.
2. Financial Protection for Families
Risks that may occur during homecoming can not only have an impact on oneself, but also on the family's financial condition. With insurance protection, financial risks due to accidents can be minimized so that the family remains calm in mind.
3. More Calm when traveling
By having self-accident insurance, travelers can be calmer in traveling, knowing that they are protected if something unexpected happens. It also encourages awareness of the importance of protection in daily activities.
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