YOGYAKARTA - In no time will it be heading for Eid. One of the most anticipated moments is the disbursement of the holiday allowance (THR). The workers are looking forward to THR. In fact, because they were waiting for the THR to be disbursed which was quite a bit of a stretch, netizens made hilarious memes.
One of the most eagerly awaited moments by everyone in the month of Ramadan is the giving of THR (Hari Raya Allowance). This allowance is certainly the thing that employees look forward to the most and is also unique in the form of creativity of Indonesian netizens. Especially if it's not a meme.
The meme about THR has been the most successful at getting people to tug at the corners of their lips. This is because the things that are mentioned in memes generally relate to the real experiences of the readers.
This meme about THR has gone viral on social media. You can find this form of THR memes on family whatsapp groups or other social media.
What are some of these hilarious THR memes? To get rid of curiosity, here is a list of THR memes taken from various sources, Wednesday, April 21.
1. Mother's words of wisdom when they know that their children receive THR
This meme describes the habits of mothers or mothers in general when their children receive THR using the analogy of taps and buckets. A child is likened to a bucket, and the water that flows from the tap is the THR that the child gets from relatives such as uncle or aunt. Where are you? Yes, you are likened to a hole in a bucket, because mothers usually say, "Here, mom, keep it".
2. What is felt by the gentlemen
For those who have become gentlemen, prepare yourself immediately, because your nieces and nephews will invade to ask for THR.
3. Cavalry
Like the previous meme concept, this meme likens nieces and nephews who come as cavalry who are ready on the battlefield.
4. This is what all Indonesian people are looking for
Everyone is definitely waiting for the THR, but if you mean this one "TEHAER", are people still interested?
5. THR cure all pain
Before people receive THR, there must be headaches. But if the headaches have been affixed with THR on the forehead, the disease will disperse suddenly!
6. THR monitoring post
Who has the habit of monitoring like this if it is nearing THR? You know, these activities are activities that are also carried out by most people on earth.
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