JAKARTA - Brain health is not only influenced by lifestyle, but also by diet. Harvard nutritionists emphasize that the food we consume has a major impact on overall memory, concentration, and mental health.
Unfortunately, many people haven't eaten foods that can really support brain performance optimally. Based on research and clinical experience, here are the 6 best foods for brain health according to Dr Uma Naidoo, nutritionist and brain expert at Harvard Medical School, quoted by VOI from the CNBC Make It page on Friday, February 7.
In addition to adding flavors to food, spices are also rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals and prevent oxidative stress in the brain.
One of the best spices is turmeric. The content of the kurcumin in turmeric is known to reduce anxiety and protect the part of the brain called the hippocampus. This plays a role in memory and mood.
Another waste that is no less useful is saftron. A 2013 meta-analysis that examined five clinical trials found that significant consumption of suffrons could reduce symptoms of depression compared to groups that only consumed placebo.
Fermented foods are made by combining ingredients such as milk or vegetables with microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast. Some examples are yogurt with active culture, sauerkraut, secretion, and kombucha.
This food is rich in bacteria, both in favor of digestive health and can reduce anxiety. A review of 45 studies in 2016 found fermented foods have the potential to protect the brain, increase memory, and slow cognitive decline in animals.
However, it should be noted that yogurt, which has undergone a warming process, such as yogurt-coated mitigation, does not have the same benefits because the good bacteria have died.
Dark chocolate is an iron source that helps protect brain cells and supports the production of chemicals related to mood.
A survey of more than 13,000 adults in 2019 found that those who regularly consume black chocolate have a risk of 70% lower depression than those who don't eat it. Make sure to choose black chocolate with low sugar content in order to get optimal antioxidant benefits.
Avocado is rich in magnesium, a mineral that is very important for brain function. The first research on the use of magnesium to deal with depression was carried out in 1921 and showed success in 220 out of 250 cases.
Since then, many studies attribute magnesium deficiency to depression. Several studies show that giving magnesium supplements in doses 125 to 300 mg can help recover from severe depression in less than a week.
The best way to enjoy avocado is to mix it with beans and olive oil as an olesan of low wheat bread in the glycemic index or as a bag sauce for fresh vegetables.
Nuts contain healthy fats, essential oils, and vitamins and minerals are important for the brain. One example is Brazilian beans that are rich in selenium.
Walnuts also contain omega-3 fatty acids that have been proven to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that increase mind and memory.
It is better to consume about 1/4 cups of nuts per day as a snack, an addition in salads, or mixed in self-made granola which is healthier than the version sold in stores.
Many people are reluctant to eat green vegetables such as kale, even though these vegetables are rich in vitamins E, carotenoids, and flavonoids that can protect the brain from dementia and cognitive decline.
Green vegetables are also a very good source of folate. Folate is a natural form of vitamin B9 which plays an important role in the production of red blood cells. Lack of folate is known to contribute to various neurological problems. Meanwhile, increasing folate levels in the body can increase cognitive function and support neurotransmitter production needed by the brain.
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