YOGYAKARTA - Many Instagram users have more than one account, be it called second account or multiple account. For some people, this is considered strange. Many are wondering why someone has a second account Instagram?
Having several accounts in IG has become common in today's era. A number of users feel more comfortable when they have more than one account, especially Generation Z or Gen Z children. Each account is usually also made for different purposes.
Second account is usually used for activities that are different from personal accounts. Interestingly, this other account often does not use a personal name and has more anonymous names. Seeing this phenomenon, it is interesting to recognize the reason a person has a second account on Instagram.
A person's desire to have many accounts is also facilitated by the multiple feature on Instagram. This feature allows users to create more than one account on one device at a time. The habit of using this second account is like someone sharing their interaction between the front stage and behind the scenes.
Here are some reasons a person has a second account Instagram which is a crowded phenomenon among the current generation.
Many Instagram users have two accounts with different goals, such as for staking. Freedom to use the new media is now being used by many people to find information about others more easily.
Stalking is done to obtain more in-depth information about other users without revealing their true identities.
The main account is usually used to upload formal activities or events. Because this account has a lot of followers or follows a lot of people, from elementary school friends to current acquaintances. Usually this account is also followed by unknown people, so it is necessary to be more careful when posting content.
Not everyone takes advantage of social media for expression. Some use it only as a source of information or for certain purposes, such as uploading photos and school assignments videos.
Some people choose not to upload personal photos to their Instagram accounts because they feel that this is not very important. For them, self-expression does not always have to be done through posts on social media, but can be realized in everyday life without the need to be shared online.
Before posting photos on Instagram's main account, a person usually considers first whether the photo is worth uploading. They will make sure that the upload gives a positive impression to other people who see it.
However, this is different from uploads on the second account. On the account, they don't think too much about content quality, feed display, or responses from other users. If they just want to share content that is considered less important, they tend to upload it on their second account.
Social media which now tends to display the best side of someone excessively often makes other users feel less confident or insecure.
Some people usually ask friends' opinions to ensure their feasibility. As a safe step, users of Instagram's main accounts often only share photos that are considered aesthetic.
Second account is usually used to share stories about the complaints of everyday life. This account is also used to upload random photos because users feel more free to share content without the knowledge of many people, only limited to close followers.
Meanwhile, playing accounts is used to upload photos that are considered good and aesthetic in the hope of creating a positive image. But on this main account, users often feel less free to express themselves. For this reason, many people now choose to have a second account on Instagram.
Those are some of the reasons why someone has a second Instagram account that is usually found among the current generation. Everyone has different reasons for using a second account, whether it's because they want to maintain privacy, stalking, and others. Also read Instagram followers' tricks to increase organically.
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