JAKARTA - content creator Ria Ricis blamed her divorce from Teuku Ryan for failing to get an endorsement to go on vacation to Maldives.

This was said by Ria Ricis in an interview session with Rebecca Kloperr and Anrez Adelio for the promotion of their latest series.

"One of the moments that was regretted in 2024, Ricis didn't go to Maldives, because the endorsement didn't deal?" Anrez Adelio asked Ria Ricis, quoted from YouTube TS Media, Sunday, February 2.

"Yes, that's right. Because of the divorce," replied Ria Ricis.

Then the mother of one child said that the client who offered to do the job was done in the same month as the divorce process.

"I took care of my divorce. The client wanted it that month. Then I said 'I can't, sir, that's why I'm in charge of divorce'," said Ria Ricis.

When the divorce process was completed, Ria Ricis had contacted her client again for rescheduling.

Unfortunately, the client apparently has invited other artists to go to Maldives.

"Then when it was finished, it was already knocked on the hammer, (Ria Ricis informed) 'Sir, we are finished' (answered) 'Sorry, we (have) used other artists'," he added.

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