JAKARTA - The animated film presented by Visinema Studios 'Jumbo', starring Ariel NOAH and Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL) as voice actors, announced its broadcast date, namely this year's Eid in all Indonesian cinema networks.

"Animated films 'Jumbo' are made to present positive and educational stories for children, parents, and the whole family by emphasizing the meaning of friendship and family, as well as courage, acceptance, and confidence," said Chief of Content Officer Visinema Studios and film producer Anggia Kharisma in a statement in Jakarta on Saturday.

The film 'Jumbo' tells the story of a child named Don, filled with voices by Prince Poetiray and Den Bagus Sasono, who often feel underestimated by his friends.

To prove he is more than just a big boy who has never won anything, Don is determined to take part in a talent show by showing a stage play inspired by the story book by his late parents.

However, things changed when a dam stole the book. Then, Don met a small child who asked for his help to reunite with his parents and agreed to help Don take the book.

The animated films 'JUMBO' starred by star-studded voice actors including Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL), Ariel NOAH, Cinta Laura Kiehl, Angga Yunanda, Quinn Salman, and also introduced Prince Poetiray.

Produced by Anggia Kharisma with Novia Puspa Sari, "Jumbo" became the animated work of the debut length of writer and director Ryan Adriandhy.

Ryan had previously won the 2020 FFI Citra Cup award for Best Short Animated Films.

Writer and director of 'Jumbo' as well as Head of Animation Development Visinema Studios Ryan Adriandhy explained, this film was made entirely by Indonesian creators involving more than 200 creative workers consisting of an animator, technical engineer, musician, and visual artist, and has gone through a series of production processes of up to almost five years.

"This shows the commitment and dedication that is so strong for all of us to be able to present quality films, which are not only engaging and entertainment, but also memorable," he said.

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