Voice pollution has become a serious environmental problem in many major cities around the world. However, one of the cities in India has been named the most noisy city in the world. With noise levels that go beyond the safe threshold for human health.

Reported by VOI from the Mirror.co.uk page on Friday, January 31, Mumbai, India's largest city, was listed as one of the cities with the worst noise pollution in the world. The city has received a sharp spotlight on its noise levels. Some criticisms call the city unfit to live in.

As India's largest city, Mumbai struggles with noise levels that often exceed the safe limits. According to the Mumbai Times, the city is considered 'uninhabitable, at least in the noise sector', as the level of segregation is very high, reaching 100 seconds during peak hours. Desible is a unit to measure the intensity of sound.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that noise during the day does not exceed 55 pieces of noise and that night noise must be below 40 to avoid health risks. Voice pollution activist Sumaira Abdulali warned that sound with an estimated rate of more than 80 could be harmful to health.

Some of the main causes of noise pollution in Mumbai include construction work, fireworks, car horns, and noisy loudspeakers.

Efforts to reduce voice disturbances are being made by the Mumbai Government. They plan to regulate the use of loudspeakers, as reported by One India.

In addition, the city's High Court has also ordered the Police Commissioner to act quickly in dealing with noise complaints related to places of worship.

The court stated that loudspeakers are not an essential part of any religion, so police are asked to reduce the level of noise.

Apart from Mumbai, Cairo, Egypt, is also known as a city with very high levels of noise pollution. This busy city operates around the clock, resulting in very high levels of noise that can cause hearing loss, anxiety, and death.

A study from Egypt's National Research Center revealed the city's average noise levels hit around 90 decibels, and never fell below 70 decibels, similar to spending all day in factories.

Apart from noise pollution, Cairo also faces severe air pollution. This makes him one of the worst air quality cities in the world. The city's Air Quality Index (AQI) reaches 160, which shows unhealthy air conditions. In comparison, AQI is around 36 considered normal and healthy.

The PM2.5 in Cairo also reached 68.4 mag/m3, far beyond the safe limit recommended by WHO, namely 5 mg/m3.

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