JAKARTA - Nikita Mirzani and Matthew Gilbert's love affair suddenly became the spotlight after the 38-year-old woman was caught unfollowing Matthew's Instagram account. This finally made netizens suspect that Nikita and Matthew were no longer together. But this was immediately denied by Nikita. He said that accidentally unfollowing his girlfriend was due to playing gadgets while sleepy. "No (unfollowing). I think I'm stuck. So I'm still scrolling and knocking and I think I'm stuck," said Nikita Mirzani, quoted by VOI from TikTok @ghelta, Friday, January 31. After a lot of messages were sent by netizens, Nikita just realized about the incident. He told me that Matthew had panicked and asked about his mistake.
"Many are DM. Matthew also directly WhatsApp, 'Sayang, you unfollow me? Sayang, what's wrong with me?'.No. It was because he was sleepy. He also called a lot but because he was silent, he didn't pick up," explained Nikita. Nikita Mirzani and Matthew Gilbert's relationship was established after they went through the filming process together. It didn't take long, Matthew immediately expressed his love for the mother of the 2 children.
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