JAKARTA - The name of Umi Pipik's second son, Abidzar Al-Ghifari is currently being discussed by netizens after a statement that did not watch the Korean version of the series, Business Proposal which was adapted into the film A Business Proposal to the Indonesian version. In fact, Abidzar will play as the main character in the film. This provokes public anger about his attitude. However, through the exclusive feature on his personal Instagram, Abidzar admitted that he wanted to explain his statement. Unfortunately, he is sure that he will remain to be blamed. "I want to explain but will not like it. From the bottom, I don't agree, I want to explain what it looks like it will be," wrote Abidzar, quoted by VOI from Instagram @playitsafebabynews, Friday, January 30. Surprisingly, at the end of his sentence, Abidzar actually mentioned racism about netizens' criticism of him. "Rasism in Indonesia turns out to be still there," he continued. This even more surprised netizens are even more surprised by Abidzar's attitude and feel that he doesn't focus on the core of the problem. Previously, the novel writer Ika Natassa criticized Umi Pipik's son's statement. Ika asked Abidzar to learn more ways to speak in public well. "Abidzar, you seem to need to learn good homework," said Ika Natassa quoted by VOI from the account X @ikantassa.

According to Ika, if such words are repeatedly said, it could turn off the film before it is shown. "Your story can kill the film before it airs," he continued. This writer of the Critical Eleven novel also warns that Korean drama fans can be the key to the success of the film later. "Good actors are not afraid of fanatical fans, but instead appreciate it. The work can be big because of their participation too," he said.

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