JAKARTA - Washing clothes in the rainy season is often a challenge in itself. High humidity can slow down the drying process, cause an unpleasant odor, even triggering fungal growth.

For this reason, it is important to know how to wash the right one so that clothes remain clean, dry quickly, and fragrant even without sunlight.

The rainy season often makes the washing of clothes more difficult. One of the reasons is the humidity of the air that slows down the drying and can cause an unpleasant odor in clothes.

However, there are some practical tips that can help keep clothes fresh and dry, even in unfavorable weather as quoted by ANTARA.

Make sure to use detergents that are specially formulated to relieve the smell and kill bacteria. Also add clothing softeners with a fresh aroma to keep clothes fragrant. Avoid the use of excessive detergents, because the residue can be difficult to rinse and become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, especially when clothes are not dry. Use enough detergent according to the recommended measure.

Soaking clothes is indeed useful for removing stains and stubborn smells, but not too long. The ideal time to soak is between 30 minutes to an hour. If it takes too long, the fabric fiber can be damaged. Alternatively, use natural ingredients such as vinegar or soda cake to deal with stains and smell stubborn without damaging the cloth.

After washing, make sure clothes are extorted to the maximum to reduce water levels. If you use a washing machine with a drying feature (spin dry), choose a high round setting so that clothes dryer more quickly.

Modern dryers can even dry up to 90 percent of clothing, so it only takes a short drying in the room. Separate thick clothes so that drying is more effective.

When sunlight is not available, electronic devices can be a solution. You can dry clothes under air conditioning, use a fan, uhumidifier, or even hair dryer. After dry clothes, immediately iron and store them neatly so they don't smell good.

If it is not possible to dry outside the house, choose a room with good ventilation or air circulation. Install a fan directed directly to clothes to speed up the drying process. In addition, drying in a fairly bright room also helps reduce moisture.

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