YOGYAKARTA - Every parent must really understand how to educate their children appropriately. Because, wrong parenting can cause serious long-term effects on their physical, mental, and emotional development. Especially if parents often beat and scold their children for their mistakes. So what's the result of children being beaten and scolded which needs to be known?
Every parent is aware of the importance of realizing and understanding the negative consequences of this action, as well as looking for a more positive alternative to disciplining children.
Quoted from the book Psychology Family: Investment in Conflict Value and Handling in Families, there are several driving factors that can make parents feel the need to beat and scold children. These include stress, lack of skills in emotional management, and lack of understanding of effective parenting methods.
Of course, the root of this problem must be understood correctly, so that parents can avoid harmful behavior for their children.
Below are some of the consequences that can occur if the child is often beaten and scolded by his parents:
Children who are often beaten and scolded have a higher risk of mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. This is because an environment that is not safe and full of pressure is at risk of damaging children's mental health.
Rude physical and verbal actions can lead to trauma in children. This trauma can affect their emotional and psychological development, even to adulthood.
Children who are often beaten and scolded may find it difficult to build social relationships. Fear and anxiety will hinder their ability to socialize with peers.
Research shows that chronic stress and strain caused by abusive behavior can affect the development of the child's brain.
This results in cognitive disturbances and learning difficulties that can make it difficult for children in the future.
Children who are often beaten and scolded tend to find it difficult to learn. Stress and tension will hinder their ability to focus and absorb information well. Anyone who is connected to children, must be really aware of the impacts and consequences of children being beaten and scolded.
On the other hand, parents must realize the importance of a loving parenting approach and understanding in raising children. Thus, parents can ensure that their children grow and develop in a healthy and safe atmosphere.
The abusive experience felt by a child will certainly affect the way children react to stress. They may show aggressive or abusive behavior towards others in response to the trauma they are experiencing.
Every parent must really understand how to educate with potentialing. There is nothing wrong if parents position themselves as friends, children will not feel awkward when they want to reveal problems in themselves. However, in a certain context, parents can also be firm figures when children really have to be reprimanded and given an understanding.
That's any review as a result of children being beaten and scolded. Hopefully useful. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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