YOGYAKARTA - With the increase in age in the elderly, everyone is more susceptible to certain diseases due to the declining response and function of the body's organs. Therefore, it is very important to give vitamins to the elderly so they don't become weak.
In addition to complementing daily nutrition, vitamins also function to maintain body health and prevent certain diseases. Although vitamins can actually be obtained from food, there are times when parents also need vitamin intake from supplements.
So what are the vitamin recommendations for parents so they don't become weak and can maintain their health? Check out, the recommendations are below.
Reporting from Healthy, there are various recommendations for good vitamins for parents to have a healthy and active body every day, including:
Blackmores Fish Oil 1000 Odourless 30 Capsules is a vitamin choice for parents who contain natural fish oils, omega-3, DHA, and EPA.
This Vitamin is useful for maintaining health and preventing certain diseases. For example, reducing inflammation and joint swelling.
If used only as a supplementation, the elderly can consume 2 capsules the day after eating. To reduce joint swelling, consumption of up to 4 capsules per day in split doses after eating.
Every elderly person is encouraged to consume antioxidants that are useful for warding off free radicals.
Well, this need can be obtained from natural antioxidants contained in the extract of melons in this Glosodin 30 Capsule. Vitamins for these parents can be consumed by 1 capsule per day after breakfast.
Renovit Gold 30 Kaplet contains supplements that are beneficial for parents who have experienced a decline in cognitive function, and visual impairment.
Not only that, the benefits of Renovit Gold 30 Kaplet can also accelerate the healing process, help accelerate the body's metabolism, and help the regeneration of damaged cells due to free radicals. Each elderly person consumes only 1 caplet per day after eating.
The next choice of vitamins for parents is the 10 Tablet Forte Neurobion. The 10 Tablet Forte Neurobion is very appropriate for the elderly who experience vitamin B1, B6, and B12 deficiency.
The three vitamins will work in maintaining the health of the nerve function, helping the metabolism of proteins and amino acids, and preventing peripheral and neural neuritics.
The dose of giving per day is enough for 1 tablet when or after eating. However, pregnant and lactating women who want to take vitamins are advised to consult a doctor first.
Vitamins from parents that can be consumed next are Pharmaton Vit 5 Kaplet. It contains various multivitamins, minerals, ginseng extracts, and selenium that can revive stamina and maintain body health.
Vitamins for parents are highly recommended to be drunk at breakfast without being swallowed. Remember, this vitamin is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
Because parents are one of the groups that are prone to bone disease, the recommendation for vitamins for other parents is Cal-95 6 Kaplet. This vitamin is very good to help maintain the health of the bones of the elderly.
The composition contained in this vitamin includes calcium, zinc, boron, and magnesium. This supplement is also often prescribed by doctors as supportive therapy in the condition of osteoporosis.
If you want to consume it, you can drink 1 caplet 1-2 times a day.
These Blackmores consist of multivitamins and minerals that are very useful for the health of the body, especially the increase in the immune system.
The content in it includes vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B5, vitamin C, vitamin D3, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron.
For parents, drink according to the recommended dose, namely 1 tablet the day after eating.
That's a review of vitamins for the elderly so they don't become weak. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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