YOGYAKARTA - The health of the elderly requires special attention, especially when facing problems such as swollen feet. This condition can interfere with daily activities and, in some cases, become a sign of serious health problems. The causes of swollen feet in the elderly can vary, ranging from mild conditions to those requiring medical treatment. In this article, we will discuss the five main causes of swollen feet in the elderly and how to deal with them.

Edema is a condition in which there is a buildup of fluids in the body's tissue, usually in the leg area. In the elderly, the dieme is often caused by problems of blood circulation, where blood cannot return to the heart efficiently. Other factors that can trigger the emed include excessive, less mobile salt consumption, or the use of certain drugs such as high blood pressure drugs.

How to Overcome it:

The chronic venous insufficiency occurs when the valve in the veins's blood vessels does not work properly, so blood collects in the legs. This condition is quite common in the elderly and is often accompanied by other symptoms such as heavy feeling in the legs and skin tone changes.

How to Overcome it:

One of the causes of swollen legs in the elderly the most serious is heart disease. When the heart cannot pump blood properly, the fluid can accumulate in the legs, causing swelling. This condition is often accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue, and irregular heartbeats.

How to Overcome it:

Kidneys play an important role in regulating the balance of fluids in the body. In the elderly, reduced kidney function can cause fluid retention, so that the legs become swollen. This condition is often associated with high blood pressure or diabetes.

How to Overcome it:

Some drugs that are often consumed by the elderly, such as non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), blood pressure drugs, or steroids, can cause swollen feet as a side effect. Swelling usually occurs because these drugs affect the balance of fluids in the body.

How to Overcome it:

General Tips To Prevent And Reduce Swelling Feet

In addition to overcoming specific causes, there are several general steps that can be taken to prevent and reduce swollen legs in the elderly:

The causes of swollen legs in the elderly can vary, ranging from simple problems such as fluid retention to serious conditions such as heart disease or kidney disease. It is important to know the cause in order to take the right steps. If the swollen feet do not improve or are accompanied by other symptoms, immediately consult a doctor for appropriate treatment.

By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, monitoring health conditions, and getting medical treatment on time, the elderly can reduce the risk of swollen legs and improve their quality of life.

To increase refrension, you also need to know 5 Habits That Cause Swelling Feet and How To Overcome

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