YOGYAKARTA In the view of Islamic teachings, anxiety is considered as a heart disease that needs to be watched out for. Islam also has the view that everything that is excessive is not good. This means that excessive anxiety according to Islam can be seen as something that is leaning on something negative. Then how do Islamic scientists view anxiety?

In general, anxiety is a person's fear or concern in dealing with something uncertain in the future. Excessive anxiety is included in mental health problems.

The Quran as a guideline for Muslims has an interesting view of anxiety. This view is as stated in the word of Allah SWT in QS. Almaarij (70):19: as follows.

You can't believe it, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't help yourself, you can't.


In fact, humans are created with complaints and backfills

In an article entitled Anxiety Disorder in the Al-Quran (Lafadz Khauf, Halu' And Huzn's Study) published in the journal Triwikrama: The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences, it is explained that the complaints referred to in the verse are associated with excessive anxiety.

That is, the Quran does say that anxiety is a basic human trait that cannot be avoided. Every human being cannot be separated from anxiety during life because humans do not know what will happen to him in the future.

Human ignorance of his future fate that triggers anxiety is also answered in the Koran in several different verses. One of them is contained in QS. Al-Fajr: 27-30 which reads as follows.

Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's do it, let's do it.


O calm soul, return to your God with pleasure and pleasure. Then, go into the group of My servants 30. and enter My heaven!

The Islamic view of anxiety is explained in an article entitled The Rise of Anxiety Disorders: Islamic Understanding of Anxiety and Muslim Scholar's Suggestions to COPe with Distress and Achieve Happiness which is contained on the Clinmedjournals website.

The article states that it is enough to understand Islamic views on anxiety disorders is quite difficult. However, Muslim scientist Al-Ghazali has his own views on the issue.

In Ihya' Ulum al-Din written by Al-Ghazali, it is stated that the heart is a palace that must be protected by its owner. This protection is carried out from demons who always try to enter the palace and try to attack the human heart.

If the devil manages to enter the human heart then it will create a sense of anxiety. These feelings arise because of the whispers of demons who are able to control a person's mentality and destroy it.

Muslims are then seen as having the obligation to keep their hearts and minds away from evil whispers that are able to prevent them from doing good.

That's information related to excessive anxiety according to Islam. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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