JAKARTA - Eating habits are healthy and not in a hurry can help prevent diabetes or prediabetics effectively. This was said by Dr. Wismandari Wisnu, Sp.PD-KEMD, a specialist in metabolic endocrine consultant diabetes at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
"Eating healthy according to the guidelines 'My plate contents' from the Ministry of Health are very important. Make sure half of the plates are filled with vegetables and fruit, not rice," said Dr. Wismandari in an online discussion in Jakarta, Wednesday.
He also emphasized that a good diet involves a full focus on food without interruptions, such as watching TV or working on a table.
"When eating, just pay attention to what is on your plate. Avoid disturbances that can make you overeat without realizing it," he added.
Controlling the portion of food is also key. Using smaller plates can help limit the amount of food consumed without leaving wasted food left.
In addition to a good diet, daily physical activity also plays a major role in preventing diabetes. Dr. Wismandari recommends a combination of aerobics and strength training such as lifting weights.
Both need to be done. If you want to lose weight and improve insulin resistance, do both regularly," he said.
For those who do not have access to the gym, simple activities at home such as stretching, cleaning, or gardening can be an effective alternative. This physical activity still provides health benefits without the cost of being expensive.
Some easy ways to increase physical activity in everyday life include:
Dr. Wismandari suggested that physical activity be carried out at least five times a week, while moderate intensity sports such as aerobics or lifting weights can be carried out two to three times a week.
"Don't let your body stay immobile for too long. Physical activity, although simple, must be done consistently to maintain metabolic health and prevent diabetes," concluded Dr. Wismandari.
By combining healthy diets and physical activity, the risk of diabetes can be minimized, while improving overall quality of life.
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